tesis de maestría.page.titleprefix El canon de agua en Argentina: análisis comparativo de la región Patagónica y Cuyo
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"A nivel internacional, se ha reconocido la importancia del agua como un recurso escaso, resaltando su valor social, ambiental y económico. En este contexto, conceptos como la gestión integral de los recursos hídricos, el agua virtual y la huella hídrica adquieren relevancia en tanto aportan herramientas para una gestión sustentable. En particular, resulta de interés la
aplicación de instrumentos económicos a fin de promover la racionalidad y la eficiencia en la distribución del recurso."
"The use of economic instruments in water resources management has become increasingly popular. The main objective of this thesis is to provide insight into how water is valued as an economic good, particularly through the use of water rights fees and wastewater discharge fees, comparing state regulations in the regions of Patagonia and Cuyo (Argentina). Results show that water usage fees vary depending on the type of use or activity. Charges per cubic meter for water intake are most frequent. However, for some uses (especially agriculture) area based pricing or flat rates are also used. Efficient use of water is not strongly encouraged. Some provinces also include local water availability and vulnerability as a main component in their fees, and only one province sets individual fees per river basin. The water footprint approach is not yet mentioned in local regulations. Although waste water fees are not regulated in all provinces, charges are generally based on the volume discharged. However, they disregard the quality of the effluent. In conclusion, the use of economic instruments to fulfill environmental policy goals is unusual in the area under study."
"The use of economic instruments in water resources management has become increasingly popular. The main objective of this thesis is to provide insight into how water is valued as an economic good, particularly through the use of water rights fees and wastewater discharge fees, comparing state regulations in the regions of Patagonia and Cuyo (Argentina). Results show that water usage fees vary depending on the type of use or activity. Charges per cubic meter for water intake are most frequent. However, for some uses (especially agriculture) area based pricing or flat rates are also used. Efficient use of water is not strongly encouraged. Some provinces also include local water availability and vulnerability as a main component in their fees, and only one province sets individual fees per river basin. The water footprint approach is not yet mentioned in local regulations. Although waste water fees are not regulated in all provinces, charges are generally based on the volume discharged. However, they disregard the quality of the effluent. In conclusion, the use of economic instruments to fulfill environmental policy goals is unusual in the area under study."