proyecto final de Iniciativa privada terminal de pasajeros de la aeroestación aviador Carlos Campos -provincia de Neuquén-
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"El proyecto consiste en la iniciativa privada para la licitación de la explotación, administración y funcionamiento de la Terminal de Pasajeros -lado Tierra- de la Aeroestación Aviador Carlos Campos en San Martín de los Andes, provincia de Nequén.
Desde sus orígenes el aeropuerto presenta problemas de visibilidad, en determinadas condiciones meteorológicas, que impiden al piloto el aterrizaje y despegue obligando a cancelar las operaciones de la Terminal. El objetivo es asimismo brindar una solución superadora a los problemas de operatividad que presenta, mediante la implementación de tecnología de punta, única en Latinoamérica y de muy reciente aplicación en países desarrollados.
Chapelco se constituirá entonces como el primer aeropuerto de Latinoamérica en disponer de los últimos adelantos tecnológicos mundiales para el apoyo en la navegación y aproximación de los aviones a la aerostación.
Esta nueva tecnología no solamente permitirá el aterrizaje y el despegue de aeronaves bajo las condiciones climáticas más adversas sino que también posibilitará una operatividad segura y confiable durante todo el año.
El progreso del aeropuerto local constituirá una entidad de desarrollo comercial y cultural, un verdadero polo de crecimiento económico y social que potenciará el crecimiento de las economías local y regional.
El proyecto demuestra que es posible transformar al aeropuerto de Chapelco en un negocio rentable y atractivo para los inversores."
"The project consists of the private initiative to bid tender for operate and manage -Landside- Aviador Carlos Campos airport in San Martin de los Andes, Neuquén province. Since its inception, the airport has visibility problems in certain weather conditions, which do not allow landing and takeoff operations to the pilot, forcing the Terminal security close. The main objective is also to provide a solution that overcomes the operational problems that it presents, by implementing the latest technology, unique in Latin America and which is recently being applied in developed countries. Chapelco will be established then as the first airport in Latin America to have the world's latest technology to support aircraft navigation and approaching. This new technology will not only allow aircrafts landing and takeoff under the most adverse weather conditions but will also enable a safe and reliable operation throughout the year. The progress of the local airport will be a commercial and cultural development center, a real economic and social growth pole that will enhance the growth of local and regional economies. The project demonstrates that it is possible to transform Chapelco airport into a profitable and attractive business to inverstors."
"The project consists of the private initiative to bid tender for operate and manage -Landside- Aviador Carlos Campos airport in San Martin de los Andes, Neuquén province. Since its inception, the airport has visibility problems in certain weather conditions, which do not allow landing and takeoff operations to the pilot, forcing the Terminal security close. The main objective is also to provide a solution that overcomes the operational problems that it presents, by implementing the latest technology, unique in Latin America and which is recently being applied in developed countries. Chapelco will be established then as the first airport in Latin America to have the world's latest technology to support aircraft navigation and approaching. This new technology will not only allow aircrafts landing and takeoff under the most adverse weather conditions but will also enable a safe and reliable operation throughout the year. The progress of the local airport will be a commercial and cultural development center, a real economic and social growth pole that will enhance the growth of local and regional economies. The project demonstrates that it is possible to transform Chapelco airport into a profitable and attractive business to inverstors."