tesis de maestría.page.titleprefix Áreas marinas protegidas en Antártida: análisis de criterios para su designación, con énfasis en la región de la Península Antártica
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"La Antártida es un lugar único no sólo por los valores naturales que alberga sino también por cómo está administrado. Aquí habitan numerosas especies marinas, la mayoría de ellas endémicas, que incluyen al kril antártico, peces, aves y mamíferos
marinos. Es el único continente consagrado a la paz y a la ciencia, que está administrado por un grupo de Estados, que negocian y acuerdan instrumentos de conservación principalmente por consenso. En particular, la región noroeste de la Península Antártica
(NOPA) experimenta los mayores efectos del cambio climático, que incluyen aumentos en la temperatura y reducción de la cobertura de hielo, con consecuencias para todo el ecosistema. Además, aquí coexisten diversas actividades humanas como la ciencia, la logística, el turismo y la pesquería de kril, evidenciando múltiples actores e intereses. Con el objeto de analizar y contribuir con el actual proceso para la designación de un Área Marina Protegida en el Dominio 1 (AMPD1), esta tesis exploró la distribución espacial de especies claves y de las principales actividades humanas que podrían poner en riesgo su conservación. Se observó un alto grado de solapamiento espacial entre los sitios de alimentación de los predadores, la pesquería de kril y el transporte marítimo. En particular, las zonas costeras fueron intensamente utilizadas por los predadores tanto
durante la reproducción como durante el periodo no reproductivo, en coincidencia con los sitios más importantes para la actividad extractiva, advirtiendo una potencial competencia por el recurso. El transporte marítimo se intensificó en “canales” de
navegación que se superponen con la distribución reproductiva y no reproductiva de los predadores, donde pueden acumularse potenciales impactos que afecten a todo el ecosistema antártico. La identificación de las zonas de conflicto permite contemplar las
posibles consecuencias para los diversos actores, asistiendo en el proceso del AMPD1 y facilitando su adopción por consenso El AMPD1, presentada por la Argentina y Chile a la CCRVMA durante el 2018, protege la singular biodiversidad marina antártica
incluyendo el uso sustentable de sus recursos., a la vez que contribuye de manera sustancial a los objetivos de la Política Nacional Antártica Argentina."
"Antarctica is a unique place not only for its natural values but also for its management. It hosts several marine species, mostly endemic, including Antarctic krill, fish, birds and marine mammals. It is the only continent devoted to peace and science, which is managed by a group of States that mainly by consensus negotiate and agree on conservation instruments. In particular, the northwest region of the Antarctic Peninsula (NOPA) experiences the greatest effects of climate change, including increases in temperature and reduction of ice cover, with consequences for the entire ecosystem. In addition, diverse human activities coexist here, such as science, logistics, tourism and krill fishery, stressing multiple actors and interests. In order to analyze and contribute to the current process for the designation of a Marine Protected Area in Domain 1 (AMPD1), this thesis explored the spatial distribution of key species and main human activities that could risk their conservation. A high degree of spatial overlap was observed between predator foraging sites and both the krill fishery and maritime transport. In particular, coastal areas were intensively foraged by predators during both reproduction and the non-breeding period, coinciding with the most important sites for the extractive activity, which could indicate a potential competition for the resource. Maritime transport has intensified in navigation "channels" that overlap with the reproductive and non-reproductive distribution of predators, where potential impacts that affect the entire Antarctic ecosystem can accumulate. The identification of the conflict zones allows to contemplate the possible consequences for the different actors, assisting in the process of the AMPD1 and facilitating its adoption by consensus. The AMPD1, presented by Argentina and Chile to CCAMLR during 2018, protects the unique Antarctic marine biodiversity including the rational use of its resources, while contributing substantially to the objectives of the Argentine National Antarctic Policy."
"Antarctica is a unique place not only for its natural values but also for its management. It hosts several marine species, mostly endemic, including Antarctic krill, fish, birds and marine mammals. It is the only continent devoted to peace and science, which is managed by a group of States that mainly by consensus negotiate and agree on conservation instruments. In particular, the northwest region of the Antarctic Peninsula (NOPA) experiences the greatest effects of climate change, including increases in temperature and reduction of ice cover, with consequences for the entire ecosystem. In addition, diverse human activities coexist here, such as science, logistics, tourism and krill fishery, stressing multiple actors and interests. In order to analyze and contribute to the current process for the designation of a Marine Protected Area in Domain 1 (AMPD1), this thesis explored the spatial distribution of key species and main human activities that could risk their conservation. A high degree of spatial overlap was observed between predator foraging sites and both the krill fishery and maritime transport. In particular, coastal areas were intensively foraged by predators during both reproduction and the non-breeding period, coinciding with the most important sites for the extractive activity, which could indicate a potential competition for the resource. Maritime transport has intensified in navigation "channels" that overlap with the reproductive and non-reproductive distribution of predators, where potential impacts that affect the entire Antarctic ecosystem can accumulate. The identification of the conflict zones allows to contemplate the possible consequences for the different actors, assisting in the process of the AMPD1 and facilitating its adoption by consensus. The AMPD1, presented by Argentina and Chile to CCAMLR during 2018, protects the unique Antarctic marine biodiversity including the rational use of its resources, while contributing substantially to the objectives of the Argentine National Antarctic Policy."