proyecto final de Electrocoagulación para el tratamiento de efluentes
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"El objetivo principal del presente proyecto es analizar la tecnología de la electrocoagulación como alternativa para el tratamiento de efluentes líquidos. Se analizará en comparación con otras tecnologías disponibles en el mercado y con las
necesidades de los usuarios. El trabajo comienza describiendo el contexto desde un sentido más amplio, para luego sumergirse en el mercado local argentino y sus particularidades.
La tecnología de la electrocoagulación desestabiliza los contaminantes, los separa en fases por medio de un proceso electrolítico, para luego ser removidos definitivamente por algún medio mecánico como la decantación y/o el filtrado. Para ello se hace circular corriente eléctrica de baja intensidad por medio de electrodos que se ubican dentro de una cuba electrolítica, donde se estaciona el agua temporalmente para su procesamiento."
"The main objective of this project is to analyze the technology of electro-coagulation as an alternative for the treatment of liquid effluents. It will be analyzed in comparison with other technologies available on the market and the needs of users. The work begins describing the context from a broader sense, then deepen in the Argentine local market and its particularities. Electrocoagulation technology disrupts the contaminants, separates them in stages by means of an electrolytic proc ess, to then be removed permanently by some mechanical means such as filtering or decanting. To do so is made circular el ectric current of low-intensity by means of electrodes that are placed inside a tank electrolytic, where you park the water temporarily for processing."
"The main objective of this project is to analyze the technology of electro-coagulation as an alternative for the treatment of liquid effluents. It will be analyzed in comparison with other technologies available on the market and the needs of users. The work begins describing the context from a broader sense, then deepen in the Argentine local market and its particularities. Electrocoagulation technology disrupts the contaminants, separates them in stages by means of an electrolytic proc ess, to then be removed permanently by some mechanical means such as filtering or decanting. To do so is made circular el ectric current of low-intensity by means of electrodes that are placed inside a tank electrolytic, where you park the water temporarily for processing."