proyecto final de Instrumento de medición de fuerza de dedos para escaladores de alto rendimiento
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"El presente trabajo describe el diseño, desarrollo y puesta en marcha de un instrumento de medición de fuerza de dedos para escaladores de alto rendimiento. Dado que la escalada, como actividad deportiva y competitiva, está adquiriendo una altísima competitividad en todo el mundo, los escaladores y los profesionales que los entrenan están en la constante búsqueda de nuevos métodos, innovaciones y mediciones que les permitan obtener una ventaja a la hora de competir.
Considerando esto, la medición de la fuerza de dedos permite al profesional no solo obtener una medición fiable del rendimiento del escalador sino también saber la efectividad de los ejercicios utilizados para el fortalecimiento del mismo.
Se ha logrado implementar un producto muy innovador capaz de medir la fuerza ejercida por el usuario, viable económicamente y conformado por componentes disponibles en el mercado local."
"The thesis describes the design, development, and implementation of an instrument that measures the strength of climbers finger. Climbing is becoming recognized as a highly competitive sport and renowned worldwide. Climbers and their professional trainers are therefore constantly looking for new methods, innovations, and tools that give them the opportunity to have a competitive edge. The measure of the fingers' strength not only allows the climber to obtain a reliable measure of the strength but also allows her or him to know the efficiency of the strength exercises used. We managed to implement an innovative product that is able to measure the strength of the user. This product is economically feasible and can be built by using components that are available locally."
"The thesis describes the design, development, and implementation of an instrument that measures the strength of climbers finger. Climbing is becoming recognized as a highly competitive sport and renowned worldwide. Climbers and their professional trainers are therefore constantly looking for new methods, innovations, and tools that give them the opportunity to have a competitive edge. The measure of the fingers' strength not only allows the climber to obtain a reliable measure of the strength but also allows her or him to know the efficiency of the strength exercises used. We managed to implement an innovative product that is able to measure the strength of the user. This product is economically feasible and can be built by using components that are available locally."