proyecto final de Optimización de subastas combinatorias
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"La subasta es una de las instituciones más extendidas en el mercado. Hay numerosas clases y se aplican a muy diversos ambientes. Por todas estas diferencias, se presenta un escenario muy rico para el análisis con distintos fenómenos, resultados y consecuencias. Una de las situaciones que más desafíos plantea, es la subasta de múltiples unidades, especialmente cuando estas son complementarias. En estas circunstancias los mecanismos tradicionales presentan vicios que atentan contra la eficiencia de la operación. Es por esto que se han desarrollado procesos especiales para estos casos. La subasta combinatoria es uno de ellos".
"Auctions are one of the most extended market institutions. There are numerous kinds of them and they are applied in very diverse environments. Because of these differences, a very rich scenery for analysis is shown, with its own characteristics, results and consequences. One of the most defying situations that can be found is the auction of multiple items, especially when they are complementary to each other. In these circumstances, the traditional mechanisms present vices that attempt on the efficiency of the trade. It is because of this, that special processes have been developed for these cases. The combinatorial auction is one of them".
"Auctions are one of the most extended market institutions. There are numerous kinds of them and they are applied in very diverse environments. Because of these differences, a very rich scenery for analysis is shown, with its own characteristics, results and consequences. One of the most defying situations that can be found is the auction of multiple items, especially when they are complementary to each other. In these circumstances, the traditional mechanisms present vices that attempt on the efficiency of the trade. It is because of this, that special processes have been developed for these cases. The combinatorial auction is one of them".