proyecto final de Scoring de riesgo para enfermos crónicos en una compañía de medicina prepaga
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"La disponibilidad de fuentes de información ha crecido principalmente gracias al desarrollo tecnológico para el manejo y tratamiento de la misma, contribuyendo a que ésta se produzca en mayor cantidad, con mejor calidad y a bajo costo. Sin embargo, aún hoy muchas empresas desconocen tanto el valor de la misma, como técnicas efectivas para la explotación y búsqueda eficiente del conocimiento deseado.
Uno de los sectores económicos que hoy comienzan a requerir un uso adecuado de los sistemas de información es el sector de la medicina prepaga, donde a partir de la implementación de programas de disease management, el conocimiento sobre el consumo y el estado de salud del afiliado es necesario y debe seranalizado a fin de focalizar los recursos eficazmente sobre aquellos grupos de mayor riesgo potencial, en particular sobre aquellos afiliados que padecen enfermedades crónicas.
El presente trabajo propone una alternativa de explotación de información para facilitar el gerenciamiento de enfermeros crónicos en los programas de disease management de una compañía de medicina prepaga en la Argentina. La alternativa propuesta encara la explotación de información desde un enfoque de minería de datos que combina distintas variables clínicas, demográficas, económicas, biométricas y del estado de salud, detectando el patrón de consumo de distintos subgrupos poblacionales, y obteniendo un scoring de riesgo basado en índices complementarios que cada individuo presente en un momento dado".
"The access to information sources has been growing mainly due to the technological developments for information treatment, thus helping to generate greater quantities of data, with better quality and lowe costs. Nevertheless not many companies nowadays are acknowledging either its value, its effective explotation techniques or its efficient search of the desirable knowledge. One of the economic industries that is requiring the appropriate use of the information systems is the health care industry, which, by implementing disease management programs, is requiring to know and understand the health status of their affiliates, specially in the ones who suffer from chronic diseases. This paper presents an information exploitation alternative to improve the management of chronic affiliates in the disease management programs of and Argentinean health care company. The alternative presented focalizes the information exploitation from a data mining perspective, combining different variables of clinical, demographic, economic, biometric and health status data, detecting the consuming pattern of the different population segments, and obtaining a scoring based of the risk that each affiliate presents at a given time".
"The access to information sources has been growing mainly due to the technological developments for information treatment, thus helping to generate greater quantities of data, with better quality and lowe costs. Nevertheless not many companies nowadays are acknowledging either its value, its effective explotation techniques or its efficient search of the desirable knowledge. One of the economic industries that is requiring the appropriate use of the information systems is the health care industry, which, by implementing disease management programs, is requiring to know and understand the health status of their affiliates, specially in the ones who suffer from chronic diseases. This paper presents an information exploitation alternative to improve the management of chronic affiliates in the disease management programs of and Argentinean health care company. The alternative presented focalizes the information exploitation from a data mining perspective, combining different variables of clinical, demographic, economic, biometric and health status data, detecting the consuming pattern of the different population segments, and obtaining a scoring based of the risk that each affiliate presents at a given time".