proyecto final de la adaptación de un exitoso modelo de negocio en internet a un mercado emergente
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"El presente trabajo consiste en la evaluación de la factibilidad técnica y económica de la puesta en marcha de un proyecto consistente en el desarrollo y gestión de una plataforma Web para comercio electrónico en la República Argentina. Para realizar esta evaluación se analiza no sólo el proyecto en sí sino también el contexto en el que se inserta, a fines de lograr un mayor entendimiento de la realidad, obteniendo de esta manera mayores herramientas para el diseño de la estrategia a ejecutar para obtener resultados exitosos. Es decir que se estudia la dinámica del sector de Internet y su impacto en las economías emergentes, con el fin de identificar aquellas modalidades y metodologías de implementación que mejor se adecúen a las características del mercado argentino, para capitalizar una oportunidad de negocio en uno de los sectores de mayor crecimiento en el país y en la región. Esto se realiza con el objetivo de fundar las bases hacia una especialización profesional, al integrar los conocimientos adquiridos a lo largo de la carrera de Ingeniería Industrial para aplicarlos a la evaluación de la viabilidad de implementación de un proyecto innovador. Y a través del aporte de nuevas ideas y propuestas para futuras líneas de acción, se pretende enriquecer la base de conocimientos para aquellos que deseen incursionar en el desarrollo de negocios en Internet en América Latina".
"This work consists on assessing the technical and financial feasibility of a project that comprises de development and management of an e-commerce Web platform in the Argentine Republic. Such assessment not only reviews the project, but also its surrounding context, in order to acquire a better understanding of reality, and accordingly has better tools to design the strategy to be followed, so as to achieve a more successful result. That is, the assessment reviews the dynamics of the Internet's sector and its impact on emerging economies, so as to identify the implementation methodologies and manners that best suit the characteristics of the Argentine market, and so benefit from a business opportunity is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the country and the region. This is done in order to lay the foundations leading to professional specialization, by integrating the knowledge acquired in the Industrial Engineer degree, and apply them to assess the feasibility of implementing an innovative project. By contributing new ideas and proposals for future lines of action, we endeavour to enrich the knowledge base of those who wish to engage in Internet business development in Latin America".
"This work consists on assessing the technical and financial feasibility of a project that comprises de development and management of an e-commerce Web platform in the Argentine Republic. Such assessment not only reviews the project, but also its surrounding context, in order to acquire a better understanding of reality, and accordingly has better tools to design the strategy to be followed, so as to achieve a more successful result. That is, the assessment reviews the dynamics of the Internet's sector and its impact on emerging economies, so as to identify the implementation methodologies and manners that best suit the characteristics of the Argentine market, and so benefit from a business opportunity is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the country and the region. This is done in order to lay the foundations leading to professional specialization, by integrating the knowledge acquired in the Industrial Engineer degree, and apply them to assess the feasibility of implementing an innovative project. By contributing new ideas and proposals for future lines of action, we endeavour to enrich the knowledge base of those who wish to engage in Internet business development in Latin America".