proyecto final de Producción de herbicidas formulados a partir de 2,4-D éster: proyecto de inversión para la incorporación de una línea sintetizadora a una planta formuladora de agroquímicos
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"Sigma Agro es una empresa argentina de producción de productos fitosanitarios. Dentro de su catálogo de productos, se comercializan herbicidas en base 2,4-D éster. Estos se encuentran en una etapa de crecimiento en el mercado local y actualmente la compañía los produce a fasón en otras plantas de agroquímicos del país. En el presente trabajo se realiza un estudio de prefactibilidad para la síntesis de dichos herbicidas en la planta de Sigma Agro. Asimismo, se estudian las distintas aristas del proyecto, analizando la factibilidad técnica y financiera, desarrollando un estudio integral de Ingeniería Industrial."
"Sigma Agro is an Argentinian company that manufactures crop protection products. Among their portfolio of products are 2.4-D ester-based herbicides, which are currently in a stage of growth in the local market. At the moment, the company is outsourcing their production to other Argentine agrochemical factories. Throughout this paper a pre-feasibility study is conducted for the synthesis of 2,4-D ester-based herbicides in Sigma Agro’s plant. A full study assessing the technical and financial viability of the project is developed from an industrial engineering perspective."
"Sigma Agro is an Argentinian company that manufactures crop protection products. Among their portfolio of products are 2.4-D ester-based herbicides, which are currently in a stage of growth in the local market. At the moment, the company is outsourcing their production to other Argentine agrochemical factories. Throughout this paper a pre-feasibility study is conducted for the synthesis of 2,4-D ester-based herbicides in Sigma Agro’s plant. A full study assessing the technical and financial viability of the project is developed from an industrial engineering perspective."