proyecto final de Análisis de la implementación de un sistema de franquicias a Vinotecnia S.A.
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"La franquicia es un sistema de distribución de productos y/o servicios, según el cual una empresa que ha logrado un éxito comercial en un área específica de negocios, transmite a otro empresario independiente todos sus conocimientos específicos y experiencia sobre el negocio original, a cambio de un derecho inicial más un procentaje de regalías mensuales, permitiéndole duplicarlo en su totalidad, incluyendo el uso de sus marcas comerciales y símbolos distintivos.
Vinotecnia S.A. es un emprendimiento en etapa de prefactibilidad que brindará el servicio de desalcoholización de vinos para mejorar la calidad de los mismos. Se estudió la posibilidad de franquiciar el negocio para afrontar una expansión.
La empresa al no poseer experiencia en el negocio y no tener una marca reconocida en el mercado no puede ofrecer a potenciales franquiciados lo que ellos exigirían a cambio de los honorarios que les serían cobrados. Es por esto que en la actualidad Vinotecnia S.A. no puede usar el sistema de franquicias como una opción para expandirse.
Vinotecnia debe primero instalar locales propios, adquirir experiencia y reconocimiento de su marca. Si hace esto, después podrá expandirse por medio de un sistema de franquicias.
En Argentina se podrán abrir dos negocios franquiciados sin saturar el mercado, cada uno de ellos tiene una TIR del 64% con un período de recupero de 2 años. En Brasil, el mercado está muy ávido de nuevas tecnologías, por lo cual las franquicias tendrán al principio ingresos más altos que sus semejantes argentinas. Será posible abrir dos franquicias cada una con una TIR del 77% y un recupero de la inversión a 1 año. La escasa producción de vino uruguayo hace que en ese país no se pueda abrir más de una franquicia y que esta tenga los retornos más bajos. La TIR de la sucursal uruguaya es del 47% con un recupero de la inversión de 3 años.
En cuanto al proyecto de franquicias desde el punto de vista de Vinotecnia, esta tiene una inversión inicial de U$S 16.000, una TIR del 99% y un período de recupero de 2,5 años. Es por esto que, cuando sea posible, la opción de franquiciar el engocio es rentable y conveniente."
"Franchising is a system for the distribution of products and/or services through which a business owner who has been successful in a particular field of business, provides another business owner or company its specific know-how and experience of the original business, in exchange for an initial payment plus a percentage of monthly royalties. The system allows the franchisee to copy the entire business, including the use of commercial brands and distinctive symbols. Vinotecnia S.A. is a project which is still in its pre-feasibility stage. It will provide a service to reduce the alcohol content in wines, in order to improve their quality. This essay studies the possibility of franchising Vinotecnia S.A. so as to expand its business. In view of the fact that this company has little experience in the business and its name is not well known in the market, it cannot yet offer its potential franchisees what they would demand in exchange for the fees charged. That is the reson why Vinotecnia S.A. is unable to implement the franchise system at this point as an option for its expansion. Therefore, it must first set up its own shops, gather experience and make its brand known in the market. If it follows these steps, it will be able to expand through a franchise system. In Argentina, two franchise businesses could be set up without saturating the market, and each one would have a 64% IRR with a 2 years investment recovery period. In Brasil, the market is avid of new technologies, so that, at the beginning, the franchises would have higher income than those in Argentina. It would be possible to open two franchises in Brasil yielding a 77% IRR and a one year recovery period. In Uruguay, and since its wine production is smaller, only one franchise could be opened and the IRR of the Uruguayan branch would yield a 47% IRR with a investment recovery term of 3 years. From the point of view of Vinotecnia, the franchise project would entail an initial investment of U$S 16,000 with a 99% IRR and a recovery term of 2,5 years. For this reason, the option of starting a franchise system is profitable and advisable."
"Franchising is a system for the distribution of products and/or services through which a business owner who has been successful in a particular field of business, provides another business owner or company its specific know-how and experience of the original business, in exchange for an initial payment plus a percentage of monthly royalties. The system allows the franchisee to copy the entire business, including the use of commercial brands and distinctive symbols. Vinotecnia S.A. is a project which is still in its pre-feasibility stage. It will provide a service to reduce the alcohol content in wines, in order to improve their quality. This essay studies the possibility of franchising Vinotecnia S.A. so as to expand its business. In view of the fact that this company has little experience in the business and its name is not well known in the market, it cannot yet offer its potential franchisees what they would demand in exchange for the fees charged. That is the reson why Vinotecnia S.A. is unable to implement the franchise system at this point as an option for its expansion. Therefore, it must first set up its own shops, gather experience and make its brand known in the market. If it follows these steps, it will be able to expand through a franchise system. In Argentina, two franchise businesses could be set up without saturating the market, and each one would have a 64% IRR with a 2 years investment recovery period. In Brasil, the market is avid of new technologies, so that, at the beginning, the franchises would have higher income than those in Argentina. It would be possible to open two franchises in Brasil yielding a 77% IRR and a one year recovery period. In Uruguay, and since its wine production is smaller, only one franchise could be opened and the IRR of the Uruguayan branch would yield a 47% IRR with a investment recovery term of 3 years. From the point of view of Vinotecnia, the franchise project would entail an initial investment of U$S 16,000 with a 99% IRR and a recovery term of 2,5 years. For this reason, the option of starting a franchise system is profitable and advisable."