proyecto final de Análisis de oportunidades de mejora en la distribución de productos de consumo masivo en el canal tradicional
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"El siguiente proyecto tiene por fin analizar la distribución en el canal tradicional para empresas de consumo masivo en Argentina, destacar las grandes oportunidades existentes y sugerir un plan de acción para capitalizarlas. La importancia de este canal radica en que por el pasa el 60% de las ventas de estas empresas, y se caracteriza por estar formado mediante un gran número de puntos de venta atomizados con un bajo nivel de venta y poca variedad. También, el manejo de este canal suele realizarse de forma poco profesional y se diferencia de los otros canales por la importancia en la relación con los comercios minoristas".
"The following project aims to analyze the distribution in the traditional channel for consumer companies in Argentina, highlighting the great opportunities and suggest a plan of action to capitalize them. This channel represents around 60% of the sales of these companies , and is characterized by being formed by a large number of atomized sellers with low sale volumes and little variety. Also, the handling of this channel is usually performed on an unprofessional way and differs from the other channels by the relatively high importance in the relationship with retailers".
"The following project aims to analyze the distribution in the traditional channel for consumer companies in Argentina, highlighting the great opportunities and suggest a plan of action to capitalize them. This channel represents around 60% of the sales of these companies , and is characterized by being formed by a large number of atomized sellers with low sale volumes and little variety. Also, the handling of this channel is usually performed on an unprofessional way and differs from the other channels by the relatively high importance in the relationship with retailers".