tesis de maestría.page.titleprefix La gestión ambiental en el abordaje del protocolo de Montreal y el protocolo de Kioto en refrigeración doméstica en la República Argentina
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"Este estudio examina el aporte de la Gestión Ambiental en el abordaje de los Protocolos de Kioto y Montreal (Cambio Climático y Protección de la capa de Ozono respectivamente) en la República Argentina para el sector refrigeración doméstica. Para ello se incorporan las siguientes herramientas: Gobernanza Ambiental, algoritmo para calcular las emisiones totales por calentamiento global o T.E.W.I., la comparación entre los potenciales de calentamiento global y el de agotamiento del ozono. La integración de resultados, de la información investigada y recabada a nivel internacional, regional y local; permiten demostrar la factibilidad del abordaje coordinado entre los protocolos y el impacto en el contexto analizado. Se aportan alternativas a las decisiones adoptadas en Argentina que además incluyen la eficiencia energética."
"This study examines the contribution of environmental management, in addressing the Kyoto and Montreal Protocols (Climate Change and Protection of the Ozone layer respectively) in Argentina, for the domestic refrigeration sector. For that, the following tools are incorporated: Environmental Governance, algorithm to calculate the total emissions for global warming (T.E.W.I.), comparing the potential of global warming and ozone depletion substance. The integration of results; information researched and gathered at the international, regional and local levels, demonstrate the feasibility of coordinated approach between those protocols and the impact in the context analyzed. Alternatives are provided to the decisions taken in Argentina which also include energy efficiency."
"This study examines the contribution of environmental management, in addressing the Kyoto and Montreal Protocols (Climate Change and Protection of the Ozone layer respectively) in Argentina, for the domestic refrigeration sector. For that, the following tools are incorporated: Environmental Governance, algorithm to calculate the total emissions for global warming (T.E.W.I.), comparing the potential of global warming and ozone depletion substance. The integration of results; information researched and gathered at the international, regional and local levels, demonstrate the feasibility of coordinated approach between those protocols and the impact in the context analyzed. Alternatives are provided to the decisions taken in Argentina which also include energy efficiency."