proyecto final de Aplicación de la metodología lean manufacturing en un laboratorio de análisis clínicos
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"En el presente estudio se ataca uno de los problemas cruciales que enfrentan múltiples industrias y consiste en la necesidad de gestionar los recursos y procesos de la mejor manera posible en pos de satisfacer con un adecuado nivel de servicio las expectativas de una masa de clientes que crece sostenidamente en el tiempo.
Como respuesta a este problema, se propuso aplicar los conceptos de la filosofía de trabajo lean sobre un caso práctico de la industria de la salud, abordando los procesos de atención al paciente que se dan en Laboratorio Clínico Domecq Lafage, de una amplia experiencia en el ámbito de la salud".
"This study addresses a crucial problem faced by multiple industries: the need for the management of resources and processes in the best possible way in order to satisfy, with an appropriate service level, the expectations of a steadily growing mass of clients. In response to this problem, it was decided to apply the concepts of the lean work philosophy to a real life case in the health care industry by working on the patient care processes that take place at the Domecq & Lafage clinical laboratory, which has a broad y experience in such matters in Argentina".
"This study addresses a crucial problem faced by multiple industries: the need for the management of resources and processes in the best possible way in order to satisfy, with an appropriate service level, the expectations of a steadily growing mass of clients. In response to this problem, it was decided to apply the concepts of the lean work philosophy to a real life case in the health care industry by working on the patient care processes that take place at the Domecq & Lafage clinical laboratory, which has a broad y experience in such matters in Argentina".