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    Innovación y capacidad de innovación: conceptos y tipologías
    (2019) Castiglioni, Sara Noemí
    "La Real Academia Española define la palabra innovar como: del latín ‘innovāre’, mudar o alterar algo, introduciendo novedades, sin embargo, no existe una unanimidad en la definición del concepto en los ámbitos de negocios y académicos. La literatura sobre innovación ha sido descripta como “fragmentada” [CITATION Kel78\p164\l1033], “contradictoria” [CITATION Kim81\p 698\l1033] y “susceptible de interpretación” [CITATION Dow76\p70\l1033]. Sumado a esto, Anderson y King describen el término innovación como “elusivo para ser definido” [CITATION And93 \p 1\l1033], con esto en mente este capítulo se propone dar luz mediante el estudio de la literatura sobre innovación y capacidad de innovación en lo que conceptos y tipologías se refiere que permitirán clasificar en la capítulos siguientes ciertas mejoras en el sistema de administración de justicia califican como innovaciones y de que tipo. Por otro lado, se describirán las principales diferencias entre innovación en el sector público y el sector privado."
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    Innovativeness of the judiciary power: a case study using the viable system model (VSM)
    (2019) Castiglioni, Sara Noemí
    "For several years, the use of technology, open data and customer focus as innovation engines has been imposed worldwide. And the Judiciary Power as a key player in the system of administration of justice of the Argentine Republic do not escape this trend. As a consequence of this, it has implemented innovative processes in order to reduce their management times, improve the user-citizen experience and bring transparency to the process. Never the less, in Argentina these innovations are rare exceptions. In this paper the case of the “Judiciary Power of Tucumán State” will be use as a leading case for its high level of innovativeness during the last ten years. The main objective of this paper is to model using Beer’s Viable System Model approach the system in which this case is embedded, discuss and determine whether the system is a viable one or not, and compare the findings with the theoretical framework associated with the “new public management”.
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    Los objetivos para el desarrollo sostenible como puntos de apalancamiento
    (2019) Castiglioni, Sara Noemí
    "En el contexto de los Objetivos del Milenio (ODM) y entrando en la tercera década del siglo XXI, la República Argentina se perfila como un participante obligado de lo que hoy llamamos «Agenda 2030 para el desarrollo sostenible», heredera de los ODM, que busca ampliar los éxitos alcanzados con ellos, así como lograr aquellas metas que no fueron conseguidas (Moran, s. f.). El uso de la palabra obligado se debe, por un lado, a responder a las crecientes demandas internas de los ciudadanos de disminuir las desigualdades y, por otro, las demandas mundiales de lograr un futuro sostenible. Basándome en la Teoría de la Jerarquía (Ahl & Allen, 1996), considero que es posible utilizar dos niveles de observación para clarificar esta necesidad de participación: uno vertical y otro horizontal. En el nivel vertical la República Argentina es un componente en el sistema Planeta Tierra, firmante de tratados transnacionales relacionados con los Objetivos para el desarrollo sostenible (ODS), y otro, horizontal donde el sistema en foco es la República Argentina, visto como individuos e instituciones que luego de las mencionadas firmas deberán adherir y operativizar los objetivos."
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    Curriculum design and innovation in field-based learning: lessons from the Doctoral Program in Leadership and Systematic Innovation in Argentina
    (2017) Laszlo, Alexander; Rowland, Regina; Serpiello, Nina; Luksha, Pavel; Karabeg, Dino; Castiglioni, Sara Noemí; Zambon, Rosana; Weiss, Gorazd
    "Designing educational innovation in a doctoral program on Leadership and Systemic Innovation is a matter of matching form with content. The challenge to create new experiences for curriculum design becomes one of experiential integrity for learners. This requires matching curriculum content with an appropriate real-world opportunity for positive change. Classical case study methods fall short as vehicles for exploring VUCA situations — those characterized as Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous. However, it is hard to find appropriate alternative methods that provide experiential learning environments for generating useful and systemically well-balanced responses to VUCA situations. This paper presents the experience of an international team of five doctoral faculty members, aided by two second year doctoral students and a social innovation expert, to design, introduce, facilitate and model a programmatic curriculum that spanned the first year (five course modules) of the ITBA (Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires) Leadership and Systemic Innovation doctoral program with 22 students. Each course module focused on a distinct aspect of systemic innovation. This required the faculty to create a cross-cutting, field-based experience that interwove the learnings from one module to the next. In addition, the focus of the field-based experience was designed so as to expose students to a “wicked problem” (a VUCA situation that could not be addressed on the basis of one disciplinary perspective or approach alone) without requiring them to fix, resolve, or otherwise provide a solution to it. Instead, students were invited to explore various aspects of the situation from an empathic and holistic evolutionary perspective. As detailed in the paper, a significant challenge to what we called “the Interweave Model” was communicating exploratory methods to the students, and distinguishing this experience from what would be expected in classical case study research. The greatest challenge for students appeared to be holding a whole-systems perspective of the entire VUCA situation across five distinctly different subjects of the curriculum while generating opportunities for design responses within each subject that could be coherently combined."
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    Systematic innovation in a world of uncertainty
    (2017) Laszlo, Alexander
    "Systemic Innovation is a field of praxis that is rapidly taking shape as a key driver in R&D initiatives focused on integral sustainability the world over. This field curates the exploration of socio-technical systems design, implementation and insertion in society in ways that foster planetary thrivability at local and global (aka ‘glocal’) levels. To do so, it adopts a transformative approach to characteristically “wicked” societal problems through the transdisciplinary study of ways in which pragmatic socio-technical systems innovation can dissolve VUCA challenges (i.e., those that are characteristically volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous). This paper explores how insights from the systems sciences can directly influence real-world socio-technical systems change. By considering both the systemic leverage points and systemic nurturance spaces that foster the emergence of innovations for thrivability, the field of systemic innovation is developing new methods, models and means of emerging ecosystems of R&D+i (research and development plus innovation). Results include the generation of socio-technical solutions that are synergetic with each other (thereby forming collective incubators or innovation greenhouses based on the application of collective intelligence). The emergence of such innovation ecosystems requires leadership and systemic innovation that incorporates social values, technological creativity, economic opportunity and environmental integrity. This paper considers themes of innovation, leadership, connective intelligence, collective intelligence, collective creativity, design thinking, systems practice, entrepreneurial experimentation and other considerations related to the emerging field of leadership and systemic innovation."