proyecto final de Comercialización de un servicio de climatización
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"Los proyectos de inversión se evalúan según el impacto potencial sobre los inversores, sin considerar los impactos sociales, económicos y ambientales sobre el entorno. Esto trae consecuencias negativas, no sólo para el entorno, sino para la empresa por formar parte del mismo (la pesca indiscriminada genera rendimientos en el corto plazo pero, eventualmente, erradica la fuente de riqueza).
Los inversores no considerarán estos efectos en la evaluación de proyectos si hacerlo no reporta un beneficio económico apreciable dentro del horizonte de planeamiento. La transformación de la comercialización de productos en comercialización de servicios parece ser uno de los caminos para lograrlo.
Para evaluarlo, el presente trabajo analiza el caso particular de la comercialización de un servicio de climatización de edificios, como oposición a la venta de equipo de climatización, en Argentina.
El resultado de la evaluación muestra un proyecto rentable que promete beneficios tanto para los inversores como para el entorno en el cual se desarrolla, por lo que se concluye que la transformación de comercialización de bienes a comercialización de servicios parece ser un camino viable para que las empresas incorporen en sus análisis los impactos de su accionar sobre su entorno.
El trabajo sirve como punto de partida tanto para futuros casos prácticos como para un desarrollo general conceptual sobre el tema".
"Investment opportunities are evaluated in terms of their impact on the investor, leaving out the potential social, economic and ecological effects to the environment. This brings negative consequences, not only to the environment but also to the company because it is immerse in it (uncontrolled fishing brings economical returns in the short term, but it eventually eradicate the primary source of income). These effects will not be considered by investors if doing so does not produce economic results which are measurable within the planning horizon. Transitioning from product commercialization to service commercialization appears to be one of the ways to achieve this. In order to evaluate it, this paper evaluates the practical case of the commercialization of a building heating and cooling service, as opposed to selling heating and cooling, in Argentina. The results of the evaluation show a viable project that promises benefits to the investor and to the environment as well, which is why the conclusion of this paper is that the transition from the trading of products to the trading of services seems to be a feasible way for companies to incorporate their impacton the environment into their analyses. This paper acts as a starting point for both more practical case studies and for a more general theoretic development on the matter".
"Investment opportunities are evaluated in terms of their impact on the investor, leaving out the potential social, economic and ecological effects to the environment. This brings negative consequences, not only to the environment but also to the company because it is immerse in it (uncontrolled fishing brings economical returns in the short term, but it eventually eradicate the primary source of income). These effects will not be considered by investors if doing so does not produce economic results which are measurable within the planning horizon. Transitioning from product commercialization to service commercialization appears to be one of the ways to achieve this. In order to evaluate it, this paper evaluates the practical case of the commercialization of a building heating and cooling service, as opposed to selling heating and cooling, in Argentina. The results of the evaluation show a viable project that promises benefits to the investor and to the environment as well, which is why the conclusion of this paper is that the transition from the trading of products to the trading of services seems to be a feasible way for companies to incorporate their impacton the environment into their analyses. This paper acts as a starting point for both more practical case studies and for a more general theoretic development on the matter".