Haimovich, HernĂ¡nMancilla-Aguilar, J. L.Cardone, Paula2020-03-292020-03-292019-09978-1728-12-363-9http://ri.itba.edu.ar/handle/123456789/1921"For general time-varying or switched (nonlinear) systems, converse Lyapunov theorems for stability are not available. In these cases, the integral input-to-state stability (iISS) property is not equivalent to the existence of an iISS-Lyapunov function but can still be characterized as the combination of global uniform asymptotic stability under zero input (0-GUAS) and uniformly bounded energy input-bounded state (UBEBS). For impulsive systems, asymptotic stability can be weak (when the asymptotic decay depends only on elapsed time) or strong (when such a decay depends also on the number of impulses that occurred). This paper shows that the mentioned characterization of iISS remains valid for time-varying impulsive systems, provided that stability is understood in the strong sense. "enSISTEMAS NO LINEALESESTABILIDADMETODO LYAPUNOVSISTEMAS TIEMPO VARIANTESA characterization of strong iISS for time-varying impulsive systemsPonencias en Congresos