Grosz, DiegoMaywar, D. N.Küng, A. P.Agarwal, A.Banerjee, S.2019-01-252019-01-2520040013-5194"Non-fibre based in-line dispersion compensation is employed to achieve long-haul transmission of 80 channels at 10.7 Gbit=s bit rate over 1200 km of LEAF fibre. Average system margins of more than 4 dB and small transmission are demonstrated. The additional penalty incurred by the periodic nature of the dispersion compensator is assessed."enELECTROMAGNETISMODISPERSIONLASERSFIBRAS OPTICASPerformance of non-fibre based dispersion compensation for long-haul 10.7 Gbit/s DWDM transmissionArtículos de Publicaciones Periódicas