Parisi, DanielPatterson, GermánPagni, LucioOsimani, LucíaBacigalupo, TomásGodfrid, JuanBergagna, Federico M.Brizi, Manuel RodríguezMomesso, PedroGómez, FermínLozano, JimenaBaader, Juan M.Ribas, IgnacioAstiz Meyer, FacundoDi Luca, MiguelBarrera, Nicolás EnriqueKeimel Álvarez, Ezequiel MartínHerrán Oyhanarte, Maite MercedesPingarilho, Pedro RemigioZuberbuhler, XimenaGorostiaga, Felipe2022-11-022022-11-022022-01-221852-4249 the present work we study how the number of simulated customers (occupancy) af-fects social distance in an ideal supermarket, considering realistic typical dimensions and processing times (product selection and checkout). From the simulated trajectories we measure social distance events of less than 2 m, and their duration. Among other observ-ables, we define a physical distance coefficient that informs how many events (of a given duration) each agent experiences.enMULTITUDESDINAMICATRAFICOPEATONESPhysical distance characterization using pedestrian dynamics simulationArtículo de Publicaciones Periódicas