Bierzychudek, Marcos E.Götz, MartinSchmelzer, Martin2022-10-312022-10-312016-072160-0171"In measurements with cryogenic current comparators (CCCs), robustness against mechanical distortions is an issue. Sources of distortions are part of the experimental environment, efficient suppression is difficult. In a test setup, we intentionally applied mechanical vibrations to a CCC probe. In the 10 Hz to 3 kHz range, the frequency response of the SQUID detector's output signal was recorded for an integrative and an H ∞ -controller. When applying vibrations at fixed frequency, the stability of the SQUID's locking depended on the chosen controller, but systematic influence on the result of a 12.9 kΩ vs. 100 Ω resistance comparison was not found."SISTEMAS DE CONTROLCRIOGENIACONTROL ROBUSTOenOperation of a cryogenic current comparator in presence of mechanical vibrationsPonencias en Congresos