Tedesco, Marcelo S.Ramos Soria, Francisco Javier2024-02-192024-02-192023-12-22https://ri.itba.edu.ar/handle/123456789/4296This study offers an examination of grassroots innovation actors and their integration within larger economic ecosystems. Through a comparative analysis in Oaxaca, Mexico; La Plata, Argentina; and Araucanía, Chile, this research sheds light on the vital role that grassroots innovation plays in broader economic ecosystems. Using Complex Network Analysis and the TE-SER model, the study unveils how these actors interact, collaborate, and influence major economic ecosystems in the context of complex social challenges. The findings highlight that actors from the grassroots innovation ecosystem make up a significant portion of the larger innovation-driven entrepreneurial economic ecosystem, accounting for between 20% and 30% in all three cases and are strategically positioned within the ecosystem's structural network. Additionally, this study emphasizes the potential for greater integration of grassroots innovation actors to leverage resources and foster socio-economic development. The research concludes by advocating for further studies in similar socio-economic contexts to enhance our understanding of integration dynamics and mutual benefits between grassroots innovation ecosystems and other larger economic systems.enINNOVACIÓN DE BASEECOSISTEMAS ECONÓMICOSANÁLISIS COMPLEJO DE REDESCOLABORACIÓNGrassroots innovation actors : their role and positioning in economic ecosystems : a comparative study through complex network analysisArtículo de Publicación Periódica