Maffi, Juan M.Estenoz, Diana2022-11-282022-11-282021-11"High-Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) is a heterogeneous material constituted by a rubber (PB) particles dispersed in a vitreous polystyrene (PS) matrix. Two typical morphologies are usually identified: ‘salami’ (larger rubber particle with several PS occlusions) or ‘core-shell’ (smaller particle with one large occlusion). The industrial continuous bulk HIPS process involves four main stages: dissolution, pre-polymerization, finishing and evolatilization. During the pre-polymerization, the mixture consists of a continuous PB-rich phase where PS-rich droplets grow as the reaction proceeds. At a critical point, the dispersed vitreous phase reaches a volume such that it becomes the continuous phase, through a co-continuous transition. This is the phase inversion (PI) point, and the material morphology is essentially defined at this stage, characterized by a sudden drop in the mixture’s apparent viscosity."eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/embargoedAccessPOLIESTIRENOSPOLIMERIZACIONPhase inversion prediction during the bulk synthesis of high-impact polystyrene: a fluid-dynamic approachPósters