Gómez, Leticia IreneKuijpers, BartVaisman, Alejandro Ariel2019-01-252019-01-252008978-1595-93-753-7http://ri.itba.edu.ar/handle/123456789/1434"We address aggregate queries over GIS data and moving object data, where non-spatial information is stored in a data warehouse. We propose a formal data model and query language to express complex aggregate queries. Next, we study the compression of trajectory data, produced by moving objects, using the notions of stops and moves. We show that stops and moves are expressible in our query language and we consider a fragment of this language, consisting of regular expressions to talk about temporally ordered sequences of stops and moves. This fragment can be used not only for querying, but also for expressing data mining and pattern matching tasks over trajectory data."enESTRUCTURA DE DATOSBASES DE DATOSMODELOS MATEMATICOSSISTEMAS DE INFORMACIONOLAPTOMA DE DECISIONESLENGUAJES DE CONSULTAGISAggregation languages for moving object and places of interestPonencias en Congresos