Chan, DeboraRey, AndreaGambini, JulianaCassetti, JuliaFrery, Alejandro C.2019-08-152019-08-152017978-1509-04-951-6"The 𝒢I0 distribution is a competitive tool for SAR image description. This distribution is useful for describing speckled imagery because it models adequately areas with different degrees of texture. Data simulation is crucial for the development of new methods of automatic interpretation of this type of images. We compare four alternatives for generating data under the 𝒢I0 distribution. The experiments are performed on a variety of programming languages and, a number of criteria to test the fidelity of the generated data are applied."enLENGUAJES DE PROGRAMACIONRADAR DE APERTURA SINTETICADISTRIBUCIONMethods and frameworks for sampling 𝒢I0 dataPonencias en Congresos