Parpaglione, MarĂa CristinaSantos, Juan Miguel2022-06-022022-06-022010978-0-7695-4400-7"What should be the sensing capabilities of agents in a Multi-Agent System be to solve a problem efficiently, quickly and economicly? This question often appears when trying to solve a problem using Multi-Agent Systems. This paper introduces a method to find these sensing capabilities in order to solve a given problem. To achieve this, the sensing capability of an agent is modeled by a parametrized function and then Genetic Algorithms are used to find the parameters’ values. The individual behavior of the agents are found with Reinforcement Learning."enSISTEMAS MULTIAGENTESALGORITMOS GENETICOSAPRENDIZAJE POR REFUERZODiscovering sensing capability in multi-agent systemsPonencias en Congresos