Mancilla-Aguilar, J. L.Haimovich, Hernán2020-12-232020-12-232020-07-032475-1456"Very recently, it has been shown that the standard notion of stability for impulsive systems, whereby the state is ensured to approach the equilibrium only as continuous time elapses, is too weak to allow for any meaningful type of robustness in a time-varying impulsive system setting. By strengthening the notion of stability so that convergence to the equilibrium occurs not only as time elapses but also as the number of jumps increases, some facts that are well-established for time-invariant nonimpulsive systems can be recovered for impulsive systems. In this context, our contribution is to provide novel results consisting in rather mild conditions under which stability under zero input implies stability under inputs that converge to zero in some appropriate sense."enSISTEMAS HIBRIDOSSISTEMAS TIEMPO VARIANTESSISTEMAS NO LINEALESConverging-input convergent-state and related properties of time-varying impulsive systemsArtículos de Publicaciones Periódicas