Kadhem, Abbas J.Gentile, Guillermina J.Fidalgo de Cortalezzi, María M.2024-05-062024-05-062021https://ri.itba.edu.ar/handle/123456789/4456Molecular imprinted polymers are custom made materials with specific recognition sites for a target molecule. Their specificity and the variety of materials and physical shapes in which they can be fabricated make them ideal components for sensing platforms. Despite their excellent properties, MIP-based sensors have rarely left the academic laboratory environment. This work presents a comprehensive review of recent reports in the environmental and biomedical fields, with a focus on electrochemical and optical signaling mechanisms. The discussion aims to identify knowledge gaps that hinder the translation of MIP-based technology from research laboratories to commercialization.enPOLÍMEROSIMPRESIONES MOLECULARESDETECCIÓN AMBIENTALDISPOSITIVOS BIOMÉDICOSMolecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) in sensors for environmental and biomedical applications : a reviewArtículo de Publicación Periódica