Colmegna, PatricioSánchez-Peña, RicardoGondhalekar, Ravi2022-05-092022-05-092016978-1-5090-0755-4"The contribution of this paper is a controller design oriented model of insulin-glucose dynamics in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM). The novelty of the proposed model is to more effectively include the time-varying nature, and also the inter-patient variability, associated with the glucose control problem. Importantly, this is achieved in a manner that straightforwardly facilitates well-known and standard controller synthesis procedures. In that way, an average Linear Parameter-Varying (LPV) model that captures the dynamics from the insulin delivery input to the subcutaneous-glucose concentration output is constructed based on the Universities of Virginia (UVA)/Padova metabolic simulator. In addition, a system-oriented reinterpretation of the classical ad-hoc 1800 rule is applied to adapt the model’s gain."enDIABETESGLUCOSAORGANOS ARTIFICIALESPANCREASINSULINACONTROL DE VARIACION LINEAL DE PARAMETROSControl-oriented linear parameter-varying model for glucose control in type 1 diabetesPonencias en Congresos