Vaisman, Alejandro ArielZimányi, EstebanGodfrid, JuanRadnic, Pablo2021-04-062021-04-062020-01-25"The General Transit Feed Specication (GTFS) is a data format used to express public transportation schedules and associated geographic information created in 2006 by Google. It is now widely used all around the world in both of its versions, GTFS Real-Time and GTFS Static. So far, tools to analyze these data are not widely available in the open source community. Companies that need to perform in-depth analysis must create proprietary solutions which the public has no access to. MobilityDB is a free and open source PostgreSQL and PostGIS extension that adds spatial and temporal datatypes along with convenient functions, to facilitate the analysis of mobility data. However, loading GTFS data into MobilityDB must still be done in an ad-hoc fashion. Furthermore, obtaining GTFS real-time data is an even more involved problem. This work describes how MobilityDB is used to analyze public transport mobility in the city of Buenos Aires. To this end, static and real-time GTFS data for the Buenos Aires public transportation system were acquired, imported into MobilityDB, and analyzed. Visualizations were also produced to enhance the analysis."enTRANSPORTE PUBLICOTRAFICOADMINISTRACION DE BASES DE DATOSAn analysis of public transport in the city of Buenos Aires with MobilityDBProyecto final de Grado