Moyano, Malen D.Bonilla, MatíasBlanco, Marcelo F.Brusco, Luis IgnacioPedreira, María EugeniaKaczer, LauraForcato, Cecilia2021-05-042021-05-042020"After encoding, memories go through a labile state followed by a stabilization process known as consolidation. Once consolidated they can enter a new labile state after the presentation of a reminder (cue) of the original memory, followed by a period of re-stabilization (reconsolidation). In both processes, once stabilization/re-stabilization is accomplished the memory cannot be modified. Currently there are studies that show a rapid stabilization after 30 min, while others studies show that stabilization occurs after 6h. However, there are no studies evaluating short and long delays simultaneously. Knowing that there are spontaneous waves of destabilization (without the re-exposure to keys linked to learning) on which the consolidation and memory persistence depend, here we investigate whether declarative memories in humans suffer spontaneous labilization/stabilization processes after learning or if they only pass through a single time window of lability."enMEMORIACONSOLIDACION DE LA MEMORIASUEÑOCOVID-19Declarative memory consolidation dynamics: new time windows and its implications for clinical applicationPóster