Giribet, Juan I.Pose, Claudio D.Mas, Ignacio2019-08-162019-08-162017978-9875-44-754-7"Recently, it was shown that an hexagon-shaped hexa-rotor micro aerial vehicle with unidirectionally spinning tilted rotors is capable of fault tolerant attitude and altitude control. This result has been theoretically proven and validated by simulations. However, experimental results have never been reported yet. In this work experimental results are presented, and a comparison between a tilted-rotor hexacopter with one in a standard rotor configuration is carried out."enACTUADORESSISTEMAS DE CONTROLTOLERANCIA A FALLOSMICRO VEHICULOS AEREOSFault tolerant control of an hexacopter with a tilted-rotor configurationPonencias en Congresos