Vische, AlejandroHerrero, NereaForcato, CeciliaGallo, Francisco2022-05-102022-05-102021"Visual imagery typically refers to the voluntary creation of the conscious visual experience of an object or scene in its absence, solely in the mind. There are individuals who have no experience of imagery at all –their minds are completely blind: aphantasia. Hyperphantasia is at the other end of the imagery spectrum: strong and often photo-like imagery. One of the key limitations to studying visual imagery has been its internal private and subjective nature. An intrinsic characteristic of the imagery experience is its degree of vividness, the clarity and richness of the mental representation. The most commonly used questionnaire is the vividness of visual imagery questionnaire (VVIQ)."enMEMORIA EPISODICAPARALISIS DEL SUEÑOIMAGINACIONVisuospatial perception in subjects with out-body-experiencesPóster