Paviotti, FrancoBuniak, EstebanRamele, RodrigoFreixes, OrestesSantos, Juan Miguel2023-07-112023-07-112023-01Paviotti, F., Buniak, E., Ramele, R., Freixes, O., & Santos, J. M. (2023). Equilivest: A Robotic Vest to aid in Post-Stroke Dynamic Balance Rehabilitation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.06528. stroke is a devastating medical condition, that affects world population and is the main cause of disabilities worldwide. Disabilities related to stroke can affect motor pathways, and may lead to several motor function disorders. One important aspect of motor function is balance which is the ability to control the body’s center of mass inside the base support provided by the lower limb. Stroke can affect dynamic balance as well, which is manifested while walking, impairing autonomy and independence, important factors in Activities of Daily Living (ADL) particularly for young patients.enDERRAME CEREBRALNEUROREHABILITACIÓNBALANCEEquilivest: A robotic vest to aid in post-stroke dynamic balance rehabilitationPonencia en Congreso