Rodríguez, Pablo OscarTiribelli, NorbertoFredes, SebastiánGogniat, EmilianoPlotnikow, Gustavo A.Fernández Ceballos, IgnacioPratto, Romina A.Raimondi, Alejandro C.Guaymas, MaríaIlutovich, SantiagoSan Román, EduardoMadorno, MatíasMaskin, Luis PatricioBrochard, LaurentSetten, Mariano2021-03-172021-03-172021-011931-3543"Background: The prevalence of reverse triggering (RT) in the early phase of ARDS is unknown. Research question: During early ARDS, what is the proportion of patients affected by RT, what are its potential predictors, and what is its association with clinical outcomes? Study design and methods: This was prospective, multicenter, and observational study. Patients who met the Berlin definition of ARDS with less than 72 h of mechanical ventilation and had not been paralyzed with neuromuscular blockers were screened. A 30-min recording of respiratory signals was obtained from the patients as soon as they were enrolled, and the number of breaths with RT were counted."eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/embargoedAccessTRASTORNOS DE LA RESPIRACIONRESPIRACION ARTIFICIALPrevalence of reverse triggering in early ARDS: results from a multicenter observational studyArtículos de Publicaciones Periódicas