Ritacco, Lucas E.Aponte-Tinao, Luis A.Múscolo, D. LuisAyerza, Miguel A.Albergo, José I.Farfalli, Germán L.Risk, MarceloGonzález Bernaldo de Quirós, FernánMilano, Federico E.2019-09-062019-09-062017-080926-9630http://ri.itba.edu.ar/handle/123456789/1742"This poster aims to achieve an “in vitro” comparative study between three methods: 2D digital images planning and execution without navigation (freehand with ruler and caliper), 3D planning and execution without navigation (freehand with ruler and caliper) and 3D planning and execution guided with navigation. 3D planning and navigated procedures potentially improve sarcoma resection."enhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/CIRUGIA ASISTIDA POR COMPUTADORAIMAGENES TRIDIMENSIONALESCANCER OSEOIn vitro comparative study between conventional and computer-assisted surgery methods for planning and resection of bone sarcomasPóster