Bonilla, MatíasLeón, Candela S.Urreta Benítez, Facundo A.Lippmann-Mazzaglia, NataliaCalvo, CamilaGarrido, ManuelForcato, Cecilia2021-05-042021-05-042020"False memories are memories of events that did not happen or are altered in their content. It has been shown that not only small distortions can be introduced into old memories but also entire memories of events that never occurred can be implanted. Age is a crucial factor in the formation of false memories. Currently there is no consensus on which age range is more vulnerable. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, anxiety and depression values are increased and these factors also influence the formation of false memories.Thus, our aim was to study how age and mood factors, such as anxiety and depression, influence the formation of false memories."enMEMORIACONSOLIDACION DE LA MEMORIASUEÑOCOVID-19SALUD MENTALEDAD ADULTAJUVENTUDFALSAS MEMORIASFalse memory formation during Covid-19 quarantine: age, sleep quality and emotional variables. Preliminary resultsPóster