Roca, AgustínBritos, Nicolás Ignacio2022-12-222022-12-222022"Innocence Project is a non-profitable organization that works in reducing wrongful convictions. In collaboration with El Laboratorio de Sueño y Memoria from Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA), they are studying human memory in the context offace identification. They have a strong hypothesis stating that human memory heavily relies in face’s frame to recognize faces. If this is proved, it could mean that face recognition in police lineups couldn’t be trusted, as they may lead to wrongful convictions. This study uses experiments in order to try to prove this using faces with different properties, such as eyes size, but maintaining its frame as much as possible."enFALSAS MEMORIASRECONOCIMIENTO FACIALPROCESAMIENTO DE IMAGENESSEGMENTACION DE IMAGENESControlling face’s frame generation in StyleGAN’s latent space operations: modifying faces to deceive our memoryProyecto final de Grado