Britos, Paola VerónicaDieste, OscarGarcía Martínez, Ramón2019-01-172019-01-1720081571-5736"There are data mining methodologies for business intelligence (DM-BI) projects that highlight the importance of planning an ordered, documented, consistent and traceable requirement’s elicitation throughout the entire project. However, the classical software engineering approach is not completely suitable for DM-BI projects because it neglects the requirements specification aspects of projects. This article focuses on identifying concepts for understand DM-BI project domain from DM-BI field experience, including how requirements can be educed by a proposed DM-BI project requirements elicitation process and how they can be documented by a template set."enINGENIERIA DE SISTEMASMINERIA DE DATOSGESTION DEL CONOCIMIENTORequirements elicitation in data mining for business intelligence projectsPonencias en Congresos