proyecto final de Microfinanzas: expaniendo la oferta de servicios financieros a segmentos excluidos
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"Las microfinanzas han demostrado ser una herramienta válida de inclusión de la base de la pirámide, creado oportunidades de financiamiento para los microempresarios, contribuyendo en la reducción de la pobreza.
A diferencia del resto de América Latina el mercado crediticio argentino se caracteriza por un escaso desarrollo de la industria del Microcrédito. La oferta de microcréditos solo alcanza para brindar servicios al 2% de los microempresarios.
Dentro del segmento de población ocupada, 3 de cada 10 personas son elegibles para un microcrédito productivo Los ingresos promedio de hogares de cuentapropistas que trabajan en el hogar permiten un excedente promedio de $310.
Un 80% de los microempresarios tienen la necesidad de inversión para el próximo año, pero solo el 11% solicitó al menos un crédito en los últimos 2 años. De los que desean invertir, el 65% lo hubieran echo en el último año, pero el 44% citó como principal razón para no haberlo hecho: la falta de oferta.
El 60% de los créditos tomados por los microempresarios en los últimos 2 años fueron otorgados por Familiares o Prestamistas Informales en partes similares.
De todos los créditos otorgados el monto promedio del mercado actual equivale a $3578 con una cuota mensualizada promedio de $242.
El microempresario se caracteriza por una alta informalidad, esta condición lo hace no elegible como sujeto de crédito ante las políticas crediticias de los principales oferentes de crédito, las instituciones bancarias, los Comercios y las financieras concentran el 89%de los créditos otorgados.
La tecnología propuesta por los microcréditos permite sortear esta dificultad, su correcta aplicación permite el desarrollo de instituciones de microcrédito sustentables.
Este trabajo cubre los principales aspectos a tener en cuenta para el diseño y armado de una Institución de Microcréditos. Las claves están en un proceso y políticas adecuadas a las caracterñisticas del mercado argentino. Haciendo hincapié en : el diseño del proceso de la evaluación del crédito, el armado del equipo de asesores, y la capacitación. Para lograr así diferencias en la productividad de los asesores de crédito, y una cartera que cumple con los estándares de incobrabilidad que caracterizan a la industria.
Este trabajo surge de la experiencia exitosa del alumno durante la puesta en marcha del proyecto de microcréditos para el Grupo Superville.
Durante la misma se definió el cliente target, se realizaron estudios de oferta y demanda determinando las características del mercado potencial. Se losgró adaptar a la realidad del mercado argentino un producto que supo satisfacer las necesidades de este segmento en otras plazas como México y Brasil. Se definieron los circuitos y procesos para una prueba piloto.
Se realizó la prueba piloto, para la misma se concretó un equipo y se lo capacitó. Se probó una Marca, y una metodoloía para crear la demanda. Se ajustaron los procesos y definieron los siguientes pasos para realizar la etapa final, la masificación de sucursales.
Se logró con el modelos propuesto, en 9 meses, la apertura de 5 sucursales, 2 están operativas y 3 en proceso de capacitación. Se está colocando por encima del $1000000 por mes a 455 microempresarios y se busca llegar a atender en 3 años a más de 50000 clientes".
"Microfinance has proven to be a valid tool for the insertion of the base of th pyramid creating credit opportunities for entrepreuneurs and thus decreasing poverty. In contrast to the rest of Latin America, the argentine credit market a lack of development in the microcredit industry. The current offering only covers up to 2% of the demand. Within the active population, 3 out of 10 people are eligible for a microcredit. The average household income of entrepreneurs working from homes is U$S100. 80% of entrepreneurs are planning to invest within the next year, but only 11% has request at least one credit in the last 2 years. Of those willing to invest, 65% would have done so in the last year, and 44% stated they did not because of the lack of offering. Family members or informal lenders together provided 60% of the credits otained by entrepreneurs in the last 2 years. The average loan in the argentinean market is of U$S 1154, and average monthly payments is U$S 78. Entrepreneurs are generally informal, making them uncreditworthy in the eyes of the main credit lenders. Banks, retailsers, and financing institutions concentrate the 89% of the credit business. Microcredit technology helps solve this problem, it`s proper execution allows the development of a sustainable microcredit institution. This study describes the main factors to consider in the development of a microcredit institution. The key factors are in a process and policies in line with the characteristics of the argentinean market. Special consideration must be given to: the design of the credit evaluation process, the selection of the sales team and capacity development and traning. This achieves better credit evaluation productivity and a portfolio with the default rates expectated in the industry. The work is based on the successful experience of putting together the microcredit division for the Superville Group. The development process defined the target client and studied the supply and demand to determinate the characteristics of the potential market. The project was able to adapt a product that satisfied the segment`s needs in other markets, including Mexico and Brazil, to the realities of the argentine market. The circuits and processes were defined for a pilot study. The project did a pilot study, hired a team and trained them. A brand was tested and a method to create the demand. The processes were adjusted and next steps were defined for the final stage and growth of the branches. With the model proposed, 5 branches were opened in 9 months, 2 of them are now fully operational and 3 are training. The objective is to serve more than 50000 clients in 3 years".
"Microfinance has proven to be a valid tool for the insertion of the base of th pyramid creating credit opportunities for entrepreuneurs and thus decreasing poverty. In contrast to the rest of Latin America, the argentine credit market a lack of development in the microcredit industry. The current offering only covers up to 2% of the demand. Within the active population, 3 out of 10 people are eligible for a microcredit. The average household income of entrepreneurs working from homes is U$S100. 80% of entrepreneurs are planning to invest within the next year, but only 11% has request at least one credit in the last 2 years. Of those willing to invest, 65% would have done so in the last year, and 44% stated they did not because of the lack of offering. Family members or informal lenders together provided 60% of the credits otained by entrepreneurs in the last 2 years. The average loan in the argentinean market is of U$S 1154, and average monthly payments is U$S 78. Entrepreneurs are generally informal, making them uncreditworthy in the eyes of the main credit lenders. Banks, retailsers, and financing institutions concentrate the 89% of the credit business. Microcredit technology helps solve this problem, it`s proper execution allows the development of a sustainable microcredit institution. This study describes the main factors to consider in the development of a microcredit institution. The key factors are in a process and policies in line with the characteristics of the argentinean market. Special consideration must be given to: the design of the credit evaluation process, the selection of the sales team and capacity development and traning. This achieves better credit evaluation productivity and a portfolio with the default rates expectated in the industry. The work is based on the successful experience of putting together the microcredit division for the Superville Group. The development process defined the target client and studied the supply and demand to determinate the characteristics of the potential market. The project was able to adapt a product that satisfied the segment`s needs in other markets, including Mexico and Brazil, to the realities of the argentine market. The circuits and processes were defined for a pilot study. The project did a pilot study, hired a team and trained them. A brand was tested and a method to create the demand. The processes were adjusted and next steps were defined for the final stage and growth of the branches. With the model proposed, 5 branches were opened in 9 months, 2 of them are now fully operational and 3 are training. The objective is to serve more than 50000 clients in 3 years".