proyecto final de Desarrollo de una planta de etanol a través de residuos forestales
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"El presente estudio se desarrolla a partir de una alternativa para el desarrollo de combustibles reemplazantes de los fósiles. El etanol combustible y los combustibles renovables, sin afectar el medio ambiente, han cobrado importancia. A continuación se presenta un recorrido a lo largo de los puntos fundamentales a tener en cuenta para el desarrollo de una empresa fabricante de etanol en Argentina o Uruguay. Este trabajo presenta un estudio centrado en las características de las plantas de etanol en desarrollo en el mundo y sus ventajas y desventajas en comparación con tecnologías actuales. A su vez, se desarrolla un estudio de localización y mercado para uno u otro país, así como también un modelo económico - financiero, detectando la criticidad en el poco desarrollo tecnológico y altos costos financieros para la instauración de estas plantas, necesarias para mantener el medio ambiente".
"The following study is developed to find an alternative replacement for fossil fuels. The fuel ethanol and renewable fuels, that do not damage the environment, have become important. This study presents an overview of the key points to develop an ethanol manufacturing company in Argentina or Uruguay. This paper shows a study centered in the characterics of developing ethanol plants around the world and its advantages and disadvantages compared to current technologies. In addition, a location and market study is developed for both countries as well as an economic and financial model, identifying the critically short technological development and the high financial costs for the establishment of these plants, needed to preserve the environment".
"The following study is developed to find an alternative replacement for fossil fuels. The fuel ethanol and renewable fuels, that do not damage the environment, have become important. This study presents an overview of the key points to develop an ethanol manufacturing company in Argentina or Uruguay. This paper shows a study centered in the characterics of developing ethanol plants around the world and its advantages and disadvantages compared to current technologies. In addition, a location and market study is developed for both countries as well as an economic and financial model, identifying the critically short technological development and the high financial costs for the establishment of these plants, needed to preserve the environment".