proyecto final de Optimización del manejo de efectivo en sucursales bancarias
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"Historicamente los bancos siempre han tenido que administrar y gestionar enormes cantidades de efectivo. Es sabido que movilizar efectivo tiene un costo y un riesgo asociado, así como tiene un costo y un riesgo asociado mantenerlo inmovilizado".
Mediante el presente trabajo se estudiarán los costos intervinientes en el manejo de efectivo con la finalidad de desarrollar con una herramienta que permita optimizar la gestión del efectivo en sucursales bancarias.
Tras estudiar el comportamiento de diez sucursales y comprar los costos actuales contra los costos que surgen tras utilizar la herramienta de gestión en efectivo, se concluye que la herramienta permitió reducir significativamente el total de los costos involucrados".
"Historically banks had always managed huge amounts of cash. It is well known that moving cash has an associated cost and risk, but cash has also a cost and risk when treasured. Throughout this project the different cash-associated costs will be determined in order to develop a tool to optimize the cash management in the branches of a bank. After studying the behavior of ten branches and comparing their present cost versus the costs after applying the cash management optimizing tool, it is concluded that the tool reduced significantly the total cash management costs".
"Historically banks had always managed huge amounts of cash. It is well known that moving cash has an associated cost and risk, but cash has also a cost and risk when treasured. Throughout this project the different cash-associated costs will be determined in order to develop a tool to optimize the cash management in the branches of a bank. After studying the behavior of ten branches and comparing their present cost versus the costs after applying the cash management optimizing tool, it is concluded that the tool reduced significantly the total cash management costs".