proyecto final de Programa de nacionalización de la producción: producción de cascos para motocicletas por método de inyección
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"Un casco de motocicleta es un tipo de protección de la cabeza utilizada por motociclistas, cuyo objetivo principal es la seguridad, protegiendo al piloto durante un impacto y evitando o reduciendo las lesiones en la cabeza; llegando, inclusive, a salvar la vida del mismo. Según los artículos 29 y 40 de la Ley Nacional de Tránsito y Seguridad Vial (ley nº24.449, B.O. nº 28.080), las motocicletas deben estar equipadas con cascos reglamentarios antes de ser liberadas a la circulación; y que sus conductores y acompañantes deberán utilizarlos junto con anteojos de seguridad, en su caso, durante la circulación en la vía pública.
En pos de una estrategia general de integración vertical, la empresa fabricante de motocicletas COCOMOT S.A. decidió proveer al mercado consumidor de cascos de fabricación propia.
(...) A continuación se presenta como Proyecto Final de Ingeniería Industrial el desarrollo y puesta en marcha de una línea de producción de cascos para motocicletas"
"A motorcycle helmet is a type of protective headgear used by motorcycle riders, mainly for safety purposes. It protects the driver during an impact, preventing or reducing head injuries and, in some cases, even preventing death. Under the Articles 29 and 40 of the Argentinian National Traffic and Road Safety (Law No. 24,449, BO n º 28080), motorcycles must be equipped with regulatory helmets before they are released into circulation, and their drivers and passengers must use them with safety glasses, if aye protection is not provided by the helmet. Pursing a strategy of vertical integration, the motorbike manufacturer COCOMOT S.A. decided to provide the consumer market with its own brand of helmets. (...) This document is an Industrial Engineering Project for the development and implementation of a motorbike helmets production line".
"A motorcycle helmet is a type of protective headgear used by motorcycle riders, mainly for safety purposes. It protects the driver during an impact, preventing or reducing head injuries and, in some cases, even preventing death. Under the Articles 29 and 40 of the Argentinian National Traffic and Road Safety (Law No. 24,449, BO n º 28080), motorcycles must be equipped with regulatory helmets before they are released into circulation, and their drivers and passengers must use them with safety glasses, if aye protection is not provided by the helmet. Pursing a strategy of vertical integration, the motorbike manufacturer COCOMOT S.A. decided to provide the consumer market with its own brand of helmets. (...) This document is an Industrial Engineering Project for the development and implementation of a motorbike helmets production line".