proyecto final de Granja porcina: análisis de prefactibilidad para la producción sustentable de capones porcinos en Argentina
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"El objetivo del presente estudio es el análisis de la viabilidad técnica y económica de un criadero de cerdos con un enfoque intensivo, sin perder de vista el bienestar animal y con reutilización de los efluentes orgánicos producidos. Se tiene un horizonte temporal para el proyecto de diez años. Este estudio se da en un contexto de crecimiento del sector, tanto del lado productivo como de la demanda, aunque con márgenes bajos y difícil rentabilidad. El proyecto se ubica en el primer eslabón de la cadena de valor porcina, partiendo desde la maternidad, llevando a los cerdos a su peso de venta, alimentandolos con un balanceado de maíz, expeller de soja, afrechillo de trigo y un suplemento vitamínico, para luego venderlos en pie. La planta de producción de alimento y el biodigestor para el tratamiento de efluentes se encuentran dentro de la propia granja."
"The purpose of the following study is the analysis of the technical and economic viability of a Pig Breeding Farm with an intensive approach, considering animal welfare and recycling all the resulting organic effluents. A 10 year time frame was established. This study was carried out in a context of expansion of the field, both in the productive sector and in market demand of the product, albeit with current low profit margins and minimum financial return. The project is based in the first link of the pig farming value chain. It initiates from birth, carrying the pigs to sale weight by means of a feeding program of balanced corn, soya bean expeller, wheat bran, and multi-vitamin complement and finalizing with the live sale of the animals for human consumption. The food production plant and biodigestor for the effluent treatment are located within the premises."
"The purpose of the following study is the analysis of the technical and economic viability of a Pig Breeding Farm with an intensive approach, considering animal welfare and recycling all the resulting organic effluents. A 10 year time frame was established. This study was carried out in a context of expansion of the field, both in the productive sector and in market demand of the product, albeit with current low profit margins and minimum financial return. The project is based in the first link of the pig farming value chain. It initiates from birth, carrying the pigs to sale weight by means of a feeding program of balanced corn, soya bean expeller, wheat bran, and multi-vitamin complement and finalizing with the live sale of the animals for human consumption. The food production plant and biodigestor for the effluent treatment are located within the premises."