proyecto final de Análisis comparativo de gasoductos virtuales frente a otras alternativas de abastecimiento energético
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"Se ha realizado un estudio comparativo de alternativas de transporte y distribución de combustibles con el fin de encontrar
y evaluar soluciones para aquellas zonas que no tienen acceso a la red de Gas Natural dónde existen industrias o centrales para la generación eléctrica. Se encontró a los sistemas de gasoductos virtuales como alternativas factibles y más económicas que otros combustibles líquidos como el fuel oil y el gas oil, para los casos de industrias de mediana escala y centrales térmicas de generación distribuida.
Dentro de los sistemas de gasoductos virtuales el GNL resultó más económico que el GNC en la mayoría de los casos, y apto para largas distancias. Los sistemas presentan limitaciones en cuánto al tamaño y capacidad de los mismos siendo convenientes dentro de determinados parámetros.
Mediante análisis técnicos, económicos y de mercado se pudo establecer criterios que permitan determinar la mejor alternativa
de abastecimiento energético para una industria, central térmica
o un centro de consumo."
"A comparative study of transport and distribution systems of Natural Gas and Liquid Fuels has been performed in order to find solutions to small areas where no pipelines are available and have industrial activity or electricity generation. Virtual Pipelines of CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) and LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) have been encountered to be technically possible alternatives and more economical than other kind of fuels like fuel oil and gas oil. Among the Virtual Pipelines, LNG turned to be more economical than CNG in most of cases, and fitted for long distances. The systems have limitations in relation to the size and capacity configurations in order to be applicable. Through technical analysis, economic evaluation and market research it has been possible to establish schemes to make the best decision for fuel supply to industries and other kind of consumption centers."
"A comparative study of transport and distribution systems of Natural Gas and Liquid Fuels has been performed in order to find solutions to small areas where no pipelines are available and have industrial activity or electricity generation. Virtual Pipelines of CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) and LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) have been encountered to be technically possible alternatives and more economical than other kind of fuels like fuel oil and gas oil. Among the Virtual Pipelines, LNG turned to be more economical than CNG in most of cases, and fitted for long distances. The systems have limitations in relation to the size and capacity configurations in order to be applicable. Through technical analysis, economic evaluation and market research it has been possible to establish schemes to make the best decision for fuel supply to industries and other kind of consumption centers."