proyecto final de Pronósticos precisos, resultados favorables
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"Durante los pasados 20 años, el mercado Argentino atravesó una etapa de crecimiento, pero bajo un escenario de gran incertidumbre, donde los riesgos no diversificados, derivados de factores políticos y socioeconómicos, tomaron cada día mayor importancia. Fueron precisamente estos motivos los que llevaron, durante estos últimos años, a que se desarrolle la planificación estratégica en las empresas. Es fundamental para el crecimiento y la supervivencia de las compañías planificar sus acciones, de manera de estar preparadas para afrontar los diferentes escenarios propenso a fracasar si la información a partir de la cual se establecen las hipótesis básicas no es certera.
Es escencialemente este el eslabón de la cadena que se busca reforzar con el desarrollo de la presente tesis. El objetivo de la misma es proporcionar una metodología para el cálculo de los pronósticos de ventas que resulte precisa y efectiva. A lo largo del escrito se introduce el marco práctico y teótico para la aplacación de la metodología, al igual que se presenta un resumen de las herramientas actualmente disponibles en el mercado para pronosticar las ventas. A su vez, se desarrolla la metodología de cálculo y se aplica a un caso real, de manera de validar la lógica y los resultados obtenidos.
El aporte innovador de la tesis radica en la utilización de dos conceptos estadísticos desarrollados hace ya varias décadas, la segmentación de mercados y la proyección de ventas, pero que en la actualidad no son utilizados en forma conjunta para pronosticar las ventas de una compañía. La clave del estudio reside en descubrir la forma en que se deben complementar estas técnicas estadísticas de manera de potenciar sus resultados conjuntos".
"Within the last 20 years, the Argentinean markets have had an important growth, but under great uncertainty scenarios, product of the increasing no diversifying risks inherent to the markets. Due to these factors, over the lat years, strategic pacification has been turning out to be a primordial area in all companies. It is of utmost importance for the endurance end growth of the company, to follow the plans, in order to achieve the future scenarios well prepared. Nevertheless, it is a this point that the most of the companies do not succeed, though any plan is sentenced to fail if the information from which basic hypothesis must be enunciated is uncertain. It is precisely this link of the chain that this thesis focuses on, in order to reinforce it. The objective of the thesis is to provide a methodology for forecasting company's sales in an accurate and effective way. During the study, it is introduced the methodology as well as the practical and theoretical tools in order to understand its performance. Furthermore, within the thesis, this methodology is applied to a case study, in order to validate the logic and result obtained. The innovative contribution of the thesis lays on the use of two statistical concepts developed more than two decades ago, market segmentation and forecasting modeling for sales. Actually, both of these techniques are used in the economic arena, but not jointly. The key of the study resides in discovering the best way to complement both of these techniques in order to harness the pooled results of them".
"Within the last 20 years, the Argentinean markets have had an important growth, but under great uncertainty scenarios, product of the increasing no diversifying risks inherent to the markets. Due to these factors, over the lat years, strategic pacification has been turning out to be a primordial area in all companies. It is of utmost importance for the endurance end growth of the company, to follow the plans, in order to achieve the future scenarios well prepared. Nevertheless, it is a this point that the most of the companies do not succeed, though any plan is sentenced to fail if the information from which basic hypothesis must be enunciated is uncertain. It is precisely this link of the chain that this thesis focuses on, in order to reinforce it. The objective of the thesis is to provide a methodology for forecasting company's sales in an accurate and effective way. During the study, it is introduced the methodology as well as the practical and theoretical tools in order to understand its performance. Furthermore, within the thesis, this methodology is applied to a case study, in order to validate the logic and result obtained. The innovative contribution of the thesis lays on the use of two statistical concepts developed more than two decades ago, market segmentation and forecasting modeling for sales. Actually, both of these techniques are used in the economic arena, but not jointly. The key of the study resides in discovering the best way to complement both of these techniques in order to harness the pooled results of them".