proyecto final de Sistema de monitoreo inalámbrico por radio frecuencia aplicado a silo bolsas
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"Actualmente en el país se está implementando un sistema de conservación de la cosecha mediante la utilización de silo bolsas en el sector agropecuario. El presente proyecto tiene como finalidad la implementación de un sistema de monitoreo periódico del estado de los silo bolsas conectados en forma inalámbrica entre varios de los mismos y concentrados en un nodo principal. Este sistema permite al productor escoger qué momento es propicio para ofrecer su producto en el mercado. Por otra parte, se independiza de contratar un servicio de registro manual, el cual es propenso a errores humanos."
"Currently the country is implementing a conservation system harvest using silo bags in the agricultural sector. This project aims at implementing a system of periodic monitoring of the state of the silo bags connected wirelessly between several of them and concentrated on a master node. This system allows the producer to choose which time is right to offer their product in the market. On the other hand, hiring a service independent of manual registration, which is prone to human error."
"Currently the country is implementing a conservation system harvest using silo bags in the agricultural sector. This project aims at implementing a system of periodic monitoring of the state of the silo bags connected wirelessly between several of them and concentrated on a master node. This system allows the producer to choose which time is right to offer their product in the market. On the other hand, hiring a service independent of manual registration, which is prone to human error."