proyecto final de Estudio de prefactibilidad del desarrollo del mercado de proppant en la Argentina
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“El presente proyecto consiste en un estudio de pre-factibilidad para el desarrollo del mercado de proppant en la Republica Argentina. En el mismo se explica detalladamente todo el proceso operacional de las perforaciones no convencionales donde se utiliza dicho insumo, como también el panorama actual en materia de recursos naturales del rubro que posee el país. Seguidamente, se presenta el estado del mercado en la actualidad, con sus consumidores y proveedores actuales, y se ofrecen las proyecciones a futuro de la demanda de proppant, necesarias para la planificación del desarrollo.
Una parte importante del proyecto explica la situación actual y la perspectivas a futuro de las compañías más importantes de la industria, tanto operadoras, de servicios o productoras. Dado el carácter novedoso en el país de la industria resulta fundamental conocer sus planes de acción para determinar la pre factibilidad del desarrollo del mercado local. Finalmente, se explica desde un perfil ingenieril los aspectos técnicos del material a producir y algunos rasgos de la producción. El proyecto concluye con las diferentes propuestas de acción recomendadas para acceder al mercado y desarrollar la oferta de proppant en el país”.
“The following Project consists of a pre-feasibility study of the development of the proppant market in Argentina. It begins with a detailed explanation of the operational processes involved in non-conventional drillings where said input is required, together with an outlook of the natural resources contained in the argentine soil. In the next place, the current market conditions are explained, pointing out clearly who the consumers and the providers are. Projections of the proppant demand for the next 10 years, necessary for the planning of the supply market development, are included. A considerable part of the project is destined to explain the current situation and the future perspectives of the most important companies. In the industry, both manufacturing and services companies, as well as operators. Given the innovative nature of the industry in the country it is advisable to have knowledge of the plans of action of these companies to determinate the viability of the development of the local market proppant supply. Finally, an engineering-based point of view section explaining the technical aspects of the input is included, recommended course of action proposals to access the market and, consequently, develop the proppant supply market in Argentina”.
“The following Project consists of a pre-feasibility study of the development of the proppant market in Argentina. It begins with a detailed explanation of the operational processes involved in non-conventional drillings where said input is required, together with an outlook of the natural resources contained in the argentine soil. In the next place, the current market conditions are explained, pointing out clearly who the consumers and the providers are. Projections of the proppant demand for the next 10 years, necessary for the planning of the supply market development, are included. A considerable part of the project is destined to explain the current situation and the future perspectives of the most important companies. In the industry, both manufacturing and services companies, as well as operators. Given the innovative nature of the industry in the country it is advisable to have knowledge of the plans of action of these companies to determinate the viability of the development of the local market proppant supply. Finally, an engineering-based point of view section explaining the technical aspects of the input is included, recommended course of action proposals to access the market and, consequently, develop the proppant supply market in Argentina”.