proyecto final de Proyecto para la producción de máquinas de anestesia
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"El presente trabajo fue desarrollado para ser aplicado exclusivamente por Proveeduría Médica S.R.L., empresa argentina concebida para satisfacer en forma global todas las necesidades del área de salud, entre sus actividades se incluyen la comercialización de aparatos médicos y equipamiento hospitalario en genera. Entre los productos que importa y distribuye, se encuentran las mesas de anestesia, equipos utilizados ampliamente en la medicina para la realización de procesos quirúrgicos.
Dichos equipos son actualmente producidos en Alemania por la empresa Heyer e importados por Proveeduría Médica, su representante exclusivo en Argentina. Dado que el precio de euros de dicha máquina dejó de ser competitivo por razones que se detallan luego en el cuerpo de este trabajo, ambas empresas de común acuerdo decidieron desarrollar un prototipo en nuestro país para evaluar la factibilidad técnica y económica de llevar adelante su producción en Argentina.
En base a dicho prototipo y los estudios por ellos realizados, establecieron ciertas premisas, como ser qué piezas se producirán en Argentina y cuáles se deberán importar desde Alemania para mantener la calidad actual del prototipo y a su vez, bajar los costos de fabricación y transporte. Asimismo, el desarrollo del prototipo les permitió verificar que nuestro país tiene la capacidad y la mano de obra calificada necesaria para cumplir con los requisitos mencionados.
Como dato de partida para este proyecto, las empresas determinaron que el mismo es viabletécnica y económicamente, por lo cual, el objetivo principal propuesto fue el desarrollo de la metodología a seguir para la producción de la máquina y el diseño de la infraestructura necesaria.
Para elllo, primero fue necesario determinar los niveles de producción de la fábrica, en base a la proyección de la demanda total de máquinas en el mercado objetivo y la participación de la empresa dentro del mismo. En función de los tiempos de producción y los niveles a fabricar determinados, se calculó la dotación de empleados que trabajarán en la fábrica.
Otros puntos importantes para diseñar el proceso productivo fueron la adopción de una política de stocks para estimar las superficies de almacenamiento requeridas, y el estudio de la máquina en sí, incluyendo tanto su funcionamiento como la explosión del producto, es decir, la determinación de sus piezas componentes y la cantidad requerida de cada una de ellas".
"This work was developed to be applied exclusively by Proveeduría Médica S.R.L., Argentine company designed to satisfy global needs related to health issues. Company's activities include medical devices trading and hospital equipment in general. Within the products they import and distribute, anesthesia machines are included, which are equipments widely used in medicine for surgical processes. Nowadays, those equipments are produced in Germany by another company called Heyer and imported by Proveeduría Médica, its inclusive sales representative in Argentina. Since the price in euros of those kinds of machines were no longer project, both companies decided by mutual agreement that they would develop a prototype in our country in older to evaluate the technical and economical feasibility of producing the selected product in Argentina. On the base of the prototype and studies made by them, the companies established certain premises, such as the components that will be produce in Argentina and which would have to be imported from Germany, with the purpose of maintaining the current quality of the product and also to lower its manufacturing and transportation costs. Moreover, the development of the prototype permitted them verify that our country has the capacity and the skilled labor necessary to meet the mentioned requirements. As starting data for this project, the companies determined that it is technically and economically feasible; therefore, the main objectives proposed were the development of the production methods and the design of the infrastructure. To do this, it was first necessary to determinate the productions levels, based on the projection of the total demand of these machines in the target market and the company's participation in it. The number of employeeds thaat meke up the staff working at the factory was calculated based on estimated times and levels of production. Finally, other relevant issues that were taken into account for designing the production processes were the adoption of a policy of stocks to estimate the requires storage space and the study of the machine itself, including both: its functional characteristics and the explosion of the product, that is the determination of its component parts and the required amount of each one".
"This work was developed to be applied exclusively by Proveeduría Médica S.R.L., Argentine company designed to satisfy global needs related to health issues. Company's activities include medical devices trading and hospital equipment in general. Within the products they import and distribute, anesthesia machines are included, which are equipments widely used in medicine for surgical processes. Nowadays, those equipments are produced in Germany by another company called Heyer and imported by Proveeduría Médica, its inclusive sales representative in Argentina. Since the price in euros of those kinds of machines were no longer project, both companies decided by mutual agreement that they would develop a prototype in our country in older to evaluate the technical and economical feasibility of producing the selected product in Argentina. On the base of the prototype and studies made by them, the companies established certain premises, such as the components that will be produce in Argentina and which would have to be imported from Germany, with the purpose of maintaining the current quality of the product and also to lower its manufacturing and transportation costs. Moreover, the development of the prototype permitted them verify that our country has the capacity and the skilled labor necessary to meet the mentioned requirements. As starting data for this project, the companies determined that it is technically and economically feasible; therefore, the main objectives proposed were the development of the production methods and the design of the infrastructure. To do this, it was first necessary to determinate the productions levels, based on the projection of the total demand of these machines in the target market and the company's participation in it. The number of employeeds thaat meke up the staff working at the factory was calculated based on estimated times and levels of production. Finally, other relevant issues that were taken into account for designing the production processes were the adoption of a policy of stocks to estimate the requires storage space and the study of the machine itself, including both: its functional characteristics and the explosion of the product, that is the determination of its component parts and the required amount of each one".