proyecto final de Rediseño y optimización de procesos del sector de producción de Accesorios para tuberías de aplicación petrolera
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"El trabajo se ubica en el marco del sector de una empresa multinacional, dedicado a producir y comercializar accesorios para tuberías de aplicación petrolera. Habiéndose detectado en el mismo una situación de inestabilidad y fallas internas en cuanto a los procesos y sus vinculaciones, se generó la necesidad de un análisis de mayor profundidad que pudiera dar lugar a la definición de un conjunto de mejoras articuladas con el fin de conformar una solución integral."
"This work takes place in the manufacturing industry dedicated to supply tubular goods for application in oil and gas extraction wells. Framed within a worldwide corporation, its focus is the area in charge of the entire supply chain for pipeline accessories. The current situation is characterized by instability and internal problems, implicating flawed procedures that reveal a lack of correct processes definition and troubles in its inner connections. For that reason, it was first decided to carry out a deep study of the entire area in order to expose the whole panorama and its issues, always keeping an extensive and inclusive consideration of the entire problem to solve."
"This work takes place in the manufacturing industry dedicated to supply tubular goods for application in oil and gas extraction wells. Framed within a worldwide corporation, its focus is the area in charge of the entire supply chain for pipeline accessories. The current situation is characterized by instability and internal problems, implicating flawed procedures that reveal a lack of correct processes definition and troubles in its inner connections. For that reason, it was first decided to carry out a deep study of the entire area in order to expose the whole panorama and its issues, always keeping an extensive and inclusive consideration of the entire problem to solve."