artículo de publicación perió Experiencias educativas innovadoras en carreras de grado: el caso del Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires
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"El proceso de enseñanza que los docentes organizan en relación con los aprendizajes de los estudiantes en el nivel universitario, presenta ciertas particularidades que tienen que ver con el contexto, la disciplina, el contenido, la profesión para la cual se está formando, entre otros aspectos, que merecen ser explorados y abordados. Más aún, en tiempos donde la expansión y creciente especialización del conocimiento y el surgimiento de nuevas tecnologías, permea la formación de grado y las propuestas pedagógicas que caracterizan a la misma.
El propósito principal de este trabajo, de tipo exploratorio, consiste en analizar las descripciones de un grupo de docentes que dictan materias en carreras de grado pertenecientes a la Escuela de Ingeniería y Gestión del Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires en torno a sus experiencias educativas innovadoras, como alternativas a la clase tradicional. En tal sentido, se entiende a la innovación como la capacidad de cambiar las prácticas y hacer algo nuevo, anclado en las motivaciones y el deseo de aprender de los alumnos, buscando responder al para qué,
es decir, preguntándose por el sentido y no solo por el qué enseñar.
Para la realización de este estudio, se tomaron en consideración las respuestas voluntarias de un grupo de Profesores Responsables de Materias (PRM) a una pregunta abierta administrada por la Escuela de Ingeniería y Gestión, que permitió identificar en qué aspectos innovan los docentes y cuáles son sus motivaciones. Los resultados preliminares muestran que los cambios a los que hacen alusión los docentes son principalmente de tipo “instrumental”, centrados en la modificación o incorporación de nuevos recursos y metodologías (de enseñanza o de evaluación) en el nivel aula, basándose en el supuesto de que su inclusión como componentes de la planificación implican una transformación en sus prácticas de enseñanza."
"The teaching and learning process that faculty organize at the university level, presents certain particularities that have to do with the context, institution and the discipline (profession) for which it is being formed, among other aspects that deserve to be explored and addressed. Moreover, in times where the expansion and increasing specialization of knowledge and the emergence of new technologies, permeates the pedagogical proposals of the undergraduate degrees. The main purpose of this work, exploratory type, is to analyze the descriptions of a group of professors who teach subjects in three undergraduate careers belonging to the School of Engineering and Management of the Technological Institute of Buenos Aires around their innovative educational experiences, as alternatives to traditional class. In this sense, innovation is understood as the ability to change practices and do something new, anchored in motivations and the desire to learn from students, seeking to respond to what for, that is, wondering about meaning and not just about what to teach. For the realization of this study, the voluntary responses of a group of Professors (responsible of their courses) to an open question administered by the School of Engineering and Management were taken into account, which allowed to identify in what aspects teachers innovate and which are their main motivations to do. The preliminary results show that the changes referred to by faculty are mainly of an "instrumental" type, focused on the modification or incorporation of new resources and methodologies (teaching or evaluation) at the classroom level, based on the assumption that their inclusion as components of planning implies (necessarily) a transformation in their teaching practices."
"The teaching and learning process that faculty organize at the university level, presents certain particularities that have to do with the context, institution and the discipline (profession) for which it is being formed, among other aspects that deserve to be explored and addressed. Moreover, in times where the expansion and increasing specialization of knowledge and the emergence of new technologies, permeates the pedagogical proposals of the undergraduate degrees. The main purpose of this work, exploratory type, is to analyze the descriptions of a group of professors who teach subjects in three undergraduate careers belonging to the School of Engineering and Management of the Technological Institute of Buenos Aires around their innovative educational experiences, as alternatives to traditional class. In this sense, innovation is understood as the ability to change practices and do something new, anchored in motivations and the desire to learn from students, seeking to respond to what for, that is, wondering about meaning and not just about what to teach. For the realization of this study, the voluntary responses of a group of Professors (responsible of their courses) to an open question administered by the School of Engineering and Management were taken into account, which allowed to identify in what aspects teachers innovate and which are their main motivations to do. The preliminary results show that the changes referred to by faculty are mainly of an "instrumental" type, focused on the modification or incorporation of new resources and methodologies (teaching or evaluation) at the classroom level, based on the assumption that their inclusion as components of planning implies (necessarily) a transformation in their teaching practices."