artículo de publicación perió La gestión del talento: un recorrido sobre los principales conceptos
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"En el presente artículo se realiza, en primera instancia, un análisis de la gestión del talento
desde una perspectiva histórica. De esto se desprende que si bien el material de investigación
predominante es conceptual y aborda la temática desde tres perspectivas esenciales: las
definiciones del concepto de talento, los efectos esperados de la implementación de la gestión
del talento y las prácticas asociadas, a la fecha no ha sido posible llegar a un consenso de una
definición precisa ni al desarrollo de marcos de medición para su operacionalización. En segunda
instancia, se analizan los principales ejes temáticos de la gestión del talento: la definición de
talento para cada organización, la identificación de posiciones críticas, el desarrollo de la carrera
de los grupos de talentosos, la influencia de los factores de contexto y la contribución de la
gestión del talento a la estrategia de la organización, a fin de dar cuenta qué es la gestión del
talento. Finalmente, se brindan recomendaciones con el objeto de lograr un abordaje empírico
sobre dicha temática."
"In the present article, an analysis of talent management from a historical perspective is carried out in the first instance. It follows that while the predominant research material is conceptual and addresses the subject from three essential perspectives: the definitions of the concept of talent, the expected effects of the implementation of talent management and associated practices, to date not it has been possible to reach a consensus of a precise definition and less to the development of measurement frameworks for its operationalization. In the second instance, the main thematic axes of talent management are analyzed: the definition of talent for each organization, the identification of critical positions, the career development of the talented groups, the influence of contextual factors and the contribution of Talent management to the strategy of the organization, in order to give an account about what is talent management. Finally, recommendations are given in order to achieve an empirical approach on this topic."
"In the present article, an analysis of talent management from a historical perspective is carried out in the first instance. It follows that while the predominant research material is conceptual and addresses the subject from three essential perspectives: the definitions of the concept of talent, the expected effects of the implementation of talent management and associated practices, to date not it has been possible to reach a consensus of a precise definition and less to the development of measurement frameworks for its operationalization. In the second instance, the main thematic axes of talent management are analyzed: the definition of talent for each organization, the identification of critical positions, the career development of the talented groups, the influence of contextual factors and the contribution of Talent management to the strategy of the organization, in order to give an account about what is talent management. Finally, recommendations are given in order to achieve an empirical approach on this topic."